This graphic describes a Two Computer Topology, with Client and Server installed on different computers.
The Oracle Database is on the server computer. The Oracle Database contains a Repository, a Target Schema, Source Schema 1 and Source Schema 2.
The Repository contains at least one Workspace, which contains Audit Tables, TS1 (with Map, T1, and T2), SS1 (with T1, and T2), and SS2 (with T1, and T2).
The Target Schema contains a Map, T1, and T2.
The Source Schema 1 contains S1, and S2.
The Source Schema 2 contains S1, and S2.
Oracle Warehouse Builder Control Center Service is installed on the server computer, and it deploys and executes on the Map of the Target Schema in the Oracle Database.
The Design Center is installed on the client computer, and it manages the design inside the Repository that is in the Oracle Database (on the server computer). It also deploys and executes on Oracle Warehouse Builder Control Center Service (on the server computer).
The Local OC4J service is installed on the client computer, and it contains the Browser Server. It reports on the Repository in the Oracle Database (on the server computer), and it reports on the Audit Tables that are in the Workspace of that Repository (on the server computer). It also receives and updates Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser's Design Reports and Audit Reports (on the client computer).
Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser is installed on the client computer, and it receives and updates Local OC4J service's Design Reports and Audit Reports (on the client computer).