The Capture Workload: Review page is shown.
On the right of the page, the following text appears: Step 5 of 5. The Cancel and Back buttons are to the left of the text and the Submit button is to the right of the text.
The following text appears:
Database x112
Logged In As IMMCHAN
Review the following settings for capturing the workload.
Job Name CAPTURE-X112-20100806163450
Capture Name CAPTURE-X112-20100806163450
Directory Object CAPTURE1
Start Time Immediately
Capture Duration Not Specified
Capture SQL Tuning Set Yes
Under Database Restart, the following text appears:
Restart Database No
The Workload Filters: Excluded Sessions section contains a table with the following columns: Filter Name, Type, Session Attribute, Value.
Row 1 has the following values: Oracle Management Service (DEFAULT), Excluded, Program, OMS.
Row 2 has the following values: Oracle Management Agent (DEFAULT), Excluded, Program, emagent%.
End of description.